On Tuesday April 22nd, we are going to see the world of the 25th century where Doraemon lives and we are long dead. Sounds interesting? 

We can already see what a mobile phone can do in modern time comparing to that of 10 years ago. The future is always full of surprises. Will car fly? Will computers take over the world? Can we cure death and live forever? Maybe an asteroid will come and kill us all like it did with the inosaurs? Time travel? Teleportation? Infinite possibilities and no limit. Let your imagination fly.

Here are the list of questions for discussion. Just give us a request on any question that you think should be added.

1. Do you think humanity will improve or collapse? Explain why.
2. Make a list of technology advancements that do not exist now but you think they will be available in the future. How will people use them?
3. Which power source do you think will be the alternate solution when oil runs out in the future?
4. Imagine a scenario where humanity collapses. How do you think this will happen?
5. Describe the future.
6. Group discussion: Each group will be given a topic of discussion consisting of an existing device/vehicle/ technology. Questions: What can this device/vehicle/ technology do in the future? What will it look like? Can you draw it?

(Prepared by Alex Đoàn and Hà Kul

[TOPIC] FUTURE [TOPIC] FUTURE Reviewed by Nguyễn Hoài Sơn on 23:06 Rating: 5
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